HYEON SA 玄砂 豆腐貓砂 Soya Cat Litter 10L

HYEON SA 玄砂 豆腐貓砂 Soya Cat Litter 10L

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$ 98.0


HYEON SA 玄砂 豆腐貓砂 Soya Cat Litter 10L
HYEON SA Soya Cat Litter 10L

- 這隻貓砂是用豆腐渣製成的
- 它具有出色的吸收性和良好的結塊
- 出色的除臭功能可最大限度地減少異味
- 凝結的貓砂很容易放到馬桶中並沖走
- 低塵,非常適合預防貓呼吸道疾病

- 小心兒童不要接觸和吃。孕婦應盡量避免處理。
- 貓吃它可能是無害,但如果它們大量攝入,可能會引起消化問題。請小心。
- 打開後避免陽光直射,請存放在通風良好的地方。
- 存放在潮濕的地方時,可能會導致破裂並降低除臭/凝結能力。請小心。
- 在廁所處理時丟棄大量貓砂時請小心,否則可能會堵塞馬桶。
- 清潔貓砂後徹底洗淨雙手。
- 豆腐渣對貓來說無害。
- 非常適合除塵和預防貓呼吸道疾病。

These are the advantages of “Hyeon Sa”
- This cat litter is made of tofu okara.
- It has excellent absorbency and clumps up well.
- Excellent deodorizing function minimizes inconvenience caused by odor
- Coagulated sand can easily be released into the toilet and flushed off the toilet.
- It is excellent for dust removal and cats respiratory disease prevention.

Usage Precautions
- Be careful that children do not touch and eat. Pregnant women should refrain from handling it as much as possible.
- It may be harmless for cats to eat, but if they consume large quantities, it may cause digestive issues. Please be careful.
- Avoid direct sunlight after opening, please keep in a well-ventilated place.
- When stored in a humid place, it may lead to breaking and reduced deodorizing/coagulating power. Please be careful.
- Please be careful when disposing a large amount of sand at the time of disposal in the toilet, it may clog.
- Wash your hands thoroughly after cleaning.
- Recycled tofu okara litter is harmless for cats to eat.
- It is excellent for dust removal and cat respiratory disease prevention.
